
Content Management

A Content Management System allows a website owner to create and edit content themselves.

I use WordPress as the content management system (CMS) for the websites that I build because:

  • It is a truly Free and Open Source – If your website needs expanding or updating, you can easily find a developer to help. You are not tied into one website organisation.
  • It is simple to use – Once your website is up and running, it is reasonably straight forward for you to make content alterations, add images, additional features and new pages.
  • It is very popular – WordPress is rapidly becoming the CMS of choice for many designers. It is well supported and hence plenty of help is available. You will find plenty of blogs, forums and tutorials to answer any questions that you might have. If you need to hire a developer at any time, there will be plenty of designers able to help.
  • There are thousands of plugins available to to extend the features of your website. Most of these are free.
  • WordPress already comes pre-packaged with better SEO than most HTML templates in the market. With additional plugins and a little time, you can help your website move up the search engine rankings.